I know that I'm backing up a little, but I forgot to tell a most glorious story. It all happened about two weeks ago when our team decided to trust the Lord and step out in faith towards finding a small and obscure burrito places in BAries. I had read about this company a few times, once in the states prior to moving south and once again in an english newspaper they have here in La Plata. The name of the Company is California Burrito Company or CBC. One thing I have been seriously missing while down here is the Free Birds burrito or Chipotle burrito. Both are incredible options! Well, due to the fact that we needed to travel to uruguay to renew our visas, and having to travel through BAries to achieve this, I knew it was a crucial moment to devour a much needed burrito. So I began to research this small restaurant started by three college grads from the US. They wanted to bring heavenly burritos into a country starving for something they know nothing about. It's much like the gospel! And we are deffiniately bringing that as well. But back to the story. We arrived in BAries by bus and hopped on the subway. FYI, we had never been on the subway thus far and that was an adventure! But we popped up in the right area and wondered around looking for our destination. It came up on us rather quick and we almost walked right past it. A narrow entrance to dinner and salvation lay before us! We entered and we ate. It was not the same as back home, but it rocked the house. We will make this journey again one day soon.

haha, you were so stinkin excited about those burritos. next time, i´m going with chicken and black beans...
p.s. love the picture of jen and elf kyle in the entry below. i always knew a little rhinoplasty would do the trick. look, jen looks so happy!
way to update, capo!
i am soooo excited about this find!!! see y'all sooooon!
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