Monday, May 21, 2007

FALL, FINE ARTS and FAMILY...a picture update

i am amazed at the changing colors of Fall... we as texans are deprived of this gorgeous season... i am trying to soak it all in. yellows, oranges,'s beautiful!!!

in case you can't tell, this may be my new favorite time of year :)

this is Bellas Artes (Fine Arts)...the campus that Kyle and I are focused on for our daily ministry, along with Natalie and Jenna from our team. this is the front door - it is actually a smaller building compared to some of the others at the university. yes, that is grafitti on the walls - that is actually a common sight throughout the city. at this campus students study all kinds of music, composition, directing and all kinds of art, art history, etc.

this is the "patio" behind the school - the building you see is actually a highschool that is attached to the campus. i am standing in the university building taking the picture, looking out. this courtyard area is usually where you can find some students hanging out - either practicing songs for class (singing, guitar, etc.), drawing, sculpting or drinking mate between classes. there's not usually a quiet or dull moment around here! it can be pretty entertaining :)

we had a great time with kindel and matt on their visit!! this was where we had lunch one day in uruguay...awesome fajitas...on my favorite corner in the city. our table was on the cobblestone street, a block from the coast, in quaint little colonia. we all really loved this place!